Nordic Walking improves health condition and so protects from illness.
Physical exercise is a must for all humans and is one of the pillars for keeping us fit and healthy. Exercising in a fitness center is nowadays less straightforward than before. People don’t feel safe to go there or are restricted with appointments and time sessions. NORDIC WALKING however, offers everyone and any time, in the fresh outdoor, the opportunity to get a better condition, muscle strength, good mental mood and a fit well-being feeling. Experience the feeling and ask for an introduction lesson at an INWA instructor!
These days “every step counts” for a good health and protection to get ill.
So take your chance and look for your INWA Nordic Walking instructor in your country.
They can teach you how to improve your health !

When you go for Nordic Walking be aware that “Every step counts”:
– Every step of our teaching system is important
– Every step you make is one for your health and well-being
Our INWA 10 Step Method is a steady learning system that has proven itself the last 20 years.