The International Nordic Walking Federation – INWA is the global governing body promoting Nordic Walking.
In 2000 INWA was founded in Finland, the mother land of Nordic Walking. The main purpose was to develop Nordic Walking education internationally and to create a global network of Nordic Walking National Trainers and instructors.
INWA is the only truly international organisation authorized by the creators of Nordic Walking to promote, develop and safeguard the principles and characteristics of Nordic Walking worldwide. In co-operation with professionals in sports, health and fitness, INWA develops innovative teaching methods and educational programs in Nordic Walking. INWA also collaborates with the scientific and medical communities offering research guidelines. INWA has over 20 official member organisations and Nordic Walking National Trainers and Instructors have been certified in over 40 countries around the world.
Finnish Registration
The International Nordic Walking Federation (INWA) is registered as the non-governmental, non-profit global governing federation for the organization and promotion of Nordic Walking with the Finnish Chamber of Commerce. It is registered under the Finnish Association Act 26.5.1989/503.
The purpose of the Federation is:
- To be the global governing body for Nordic Walking
- to function actively as the operational central body for members
- to encourage the development of Nordic Walking and of strengthening the bonds of friendship that unite those who develop and practice it
- to assist the development and interests of its member organizations and to promote Nordic walking as a healthy form of exercise,
- to function as a liaison between member organizations to promote cooperation and to expand the knowledge of the technical and physical aspects of Nordic Walking
- to promote international contacts amongst Nordic walking member organizations
The governance of INWA is the responsibility of the INWA Board. The Board consists of at least five and no more than seven members who are elected every three years by the INWA Members. The Board meets at least monthly.
Current Board
President: Aki Karihtala – Finland
Vice President: Hans Wrang – Australia
Member: Galina Gorbatenkova – Latvia
Member: Catherine Hughes – United Kindom
INWA Office
The INWA Office is the first point of contact with INWA. Betty van Veelen (The Netherlands) organises most of the day-to-day activities of INWA in close cooperation with INWA Board and INWA Committees.
INWA Committees
The INWA Committees are each chaired by a member of the Board. The committee members are made up of coaches, instructors or Nordic Walkers with particular skills.
Member Relations: Galina Gorbatenkova – Latvia
assisted by
Aki Karihtala – INWA President – Finland
Events Committee: Galina Gorbatenkova
assisted by Catherine Hughes and Betty van Veelen
Education Committee:
Karen Ingram – UK
Natalia Palacios Samper – Spain
Steve Ellis – UK
June Stevenson – New Zealand
Supported by Betty van Veelen – Netherlands
Scientific Committee:
June Stevenson – New Zealand
Finance Committee:
Hans Wrang – Australia
assisted by
Aki Karihtala – Finland,
Competition Committee:
Naohiro Takahashi – Finland
Davorin Antonic – Croatia
Paul Gutowski – Poland
The Committees are each responsible for parts of INWA’s strategic plan. Each chair reports back to the Board on its progress against the plan and to gain approval for particular plans and projects.
INWA Annual General Meeting
The INWA Annual General meeting is held in conjunction with the INWA Convention. All current INWA members are invited to participate.