The Latvian Nordic Walking Association warmly welcomed our members from around the
world to the beautiful city of Riga for the 2023 convention.
Instructors, National Trainers, and NNWA members joined the INWA team for a full week of
Nordic Walking. People travelled from Spain, Finland, The Netherlands, Greece, Switzerland,
Estonia, Croatia, Poland, Japan, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, to join our fellow
Latvian Instructors.
We kicked off with a 3 day National Trainer course, followed by the INWA AGM, then 2 full
days of the convention, finishing with a one day Race Official Training Course. Plus, many
lovely social events, meals out and much fun and laughter.
Aki Karihtala, INWA president said, “As always, it was great to see members of our INWA
family from different countries. It goes without saying that the convention included a lot of
laughter and great spirit. After the Covid times it is wonderful to see each other face to face.
And special mention about our members from Hong Kong. All that energy and excitement
was tangible. I look forward to our next convention”.

We thank LTSA for the organisation!